Thursday, January 17, 2013

Haiku: Cold Winter Blast

A cold winter blast
Descends upon the city
In the dark of night

At frozen bus stop
Commuters huddle for warmth
Patiently waiting Spring

Carpe Diem Special #17, Shiki's 'cold winter blast'


  1. a sensory delight....fabulous imagery..

  2. I can imagine those commuters waiting in the cold winter blast. I have traveled several years with the train to my work and sometimes I had the early shift in the hospital where I was working at that time. In the cold winter it wasn't a pleasure to wait on the train on a cold winterly and windy station. Brrr ...

  3. Anonymous1/17/2013

    Funny, in Brisbane we all huddle like that when it gets below 10c. Lovely haikus on the theme. Thank you :)


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