wash away the grime, cleanliness brings good fortune all thru the new year
The perfect hope
Ask naught but love and light
Merry Christmas
Ulmaceous tree
Reach back into the sunshine
Vital nutrients
a life raft set sail
diaphanous hopes to live
tragedy at sea
when wishes collide;quietly disputatious
trapped in desiring
Sasquatch photo blitz
Sham for believing nupsons
Attention Grabber
Sneak up uncannily
Now contagious
the lost wife, misled by time
retrace love's steps
Beneath wrapping dreck, rumor of Christmas treasure
Oh, carpe diem!
Altruistic acts
First kisses neath mistletoe
Rent Holiday dates
a most unpleasant-incandescent with anger-absurd reaction
Looking like Christmas
Presents underneath the tree
Love to keep me warm
The Moon owes the Sun
Looking at the Sun is pain
Beauty is the moon
stealing gifts~no holiday cheer ~you're too mean
Leave be my precious
Don't kin what it means to me
Only one to rule
World at a cross road
Mayan's say end is coming
Where will you be then?
Not prone to gossip~More a quiet observer~Taciturn nature
To mind your manners
Well composed palinola
Graceful you become
Lusting after you
Can't get you out of my veins
My heart's obsession
Tough times lie ahead
Journey will not be easy
Are you still with me?
Spotlight shines on us
Juggling fame and fortune
Fate lands over head
Giving time is here
Gifts wrapped in red ribbon
Warm hearts of children
Traveler abroad~ Only two week language course~A cacoepy!
Warm inside my coat, as winter wind blows about
Summer daydreaming
Tangled tides of love, carry her to another
Shipwreck and heart break
Challenge early morn commute
Tail lights fade into the fog
Friday here at last
Silent misery
Pain suffered within the mind
Unseen uloid marks
Rain showered land o'er night
Awaken dawn's early light
Damp grass under foot
Storm battered coastline;
Residents evacuate;
Dislocated man
Twilight storm rolls in
Lightning strikes up the town band
Wind and shadow dance
Weary traveler
Collapse upon a soft bed
Long day laid to rest
Reticent thick fog
Melt away in the sun's rays
Witted day shines thru
A bit of silver~to unleash a bound temptress~nine pieces of eight
Bitter poison slays
Give me the antidote now
Please save me good knight
In my younger days
Cartoons filled weekend morns
Now sleep dominates
Lonely days pass by, memory of love remains
Heart still belongs to you
The way is simply
mindful compassion to all
including yourself
Amber colored trees, line the water’s edge in fall
Peninsula’s charm
Your lies only serve to vindicate my silence,
image isn't all
Don't utter that name
The past can remain buried
She is dead to me
Photographs long lost
Past memories resurface
Trample on my heart
Afternoon slump hits
Time for a walk and a snack
Ah re-energized
Texas autumn days
Warm sun beams reverberate, lifting morning fog
Where are you going, quizzed Leah untrusting;
Nowhere of concern
Plain as the pale moon;
Ivory beauty radiates;
Dancing in blue gown
write feverishly
an original idea
won't get done tonight
Colored autumn trees
Crisp blue sky ore browned hill
Paint nature's landscape
Bake a treat today, mix of pumpkin and spices
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lend me your eye sight;
Dawn's beauty blooms ore the frost;
Catch her if you can
A chill in the air
Fog creeps over the city
A fall morn forlorn
Cool breeze blowing
Rain coming in from off shore
Summer heat break
Ozone alert day
Air heavy with pollution
Stay inside today